Lockdown 2.0

lockdown 2.0 back to where we were in March.

Except for this time there are some fundamental differences, and they’re actually good news for Capel chimney sweeps and our customers.

Because unlike in March, when the government’s advice was misleading andmisunderstood they have been more forthright this time.

They have now spelt out, in black and white, that people are permitted to work in other people’s homes.

We have also had time to develop protocols and practices to make this safer for everybody.

We hear you ask, ‘but is the work essential?’

Whether that work is deemed ‘essential’ or not?

‘Essential’ only relates to physical commercial premises in this context

Similarly, whether the person carrying out the service is a ‘keyworker’ or not isn’t something which is being thrown into the mix this time, as The government guidance is go to work if you can’t do so from home.

So, please – disregard the words ‘essential’ or ‘keyworker’ when it comes to having a chimney sweep in your home.

Yes, it can be confusing when the government are telling you you can have someone in your home to undertake a paid service, but you can’t have your friends around.

But those are the ‘rules’ as they stand ’ – basically if it’s a social occasion it’s Prohibited; if it’s for work, this is allowed.

The explicit reference to working in people’s homes is good news for you and us.

As winter draws in, with more people working from home, many will want to enjoy the glow of a roaring fire even more than usual therefore increasing the importance of having your fire or stove swept.

And given the sort of year most people have had, the ability to enjoy this simple pleasure of enjoying it safely takes on even more importance…